Penn Hall on the Map

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The map above highlights four structures/places around the Gettysburg/Adams County community which reflect my group’s exploration of the cultural landscape. The first highlighted place, of course is Pennsylvania Hall, which the main focus of my project groups. So far, in recent posts, we have discussed the many functions and people that Penn Hall has served for. We also discussed physical features of the building and how it related in time and space. Besides Penn Hall our map highlights two other buildings on campus, Glatfelter and Stevens Hall.  Opened in 1868 Steven Hall was one of the campus’s earliest buildings. Its purpose was to serve as an all girls preparatory school for the college. Today Stevens Hall is used as a residence hall. Glatfelter was built in 1889 and was made to function as a college building. These two buildings identify with Penn Hall in its latest and current phase in time all serving purposes for Gettysburg college. The Gettysburg National cemetery correlates with Penn Hall’s role in the civil war. In 1863 the building was functioning as a hospital for wounded soldiers, those that did not make it out of the hospital or off the battlefield were taken to the Gettysburg cemetery to rest.

One thought on “Penn Hall on the Map

  1. Nicely done. It is interesting to place Penn Hall within in the context of the other buildings, of similar significance around it as well as in the context of the larger town and battlefield.


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